JitBlox roadmap
This is our current roadmap, which reflects our own thoughts as well as user feedback. The roadmap is subject to change and we always welcome feature requests on our GitHub repository.
The list below is regularly cleaned up and reprioritized (like after recent our launch of JitBlox 1.0). Sign up for our newsletter below to receive updates on new releases in your inbox!
Custom component CSSAvailable |
Allow custom component stylesheets for more granular control over your component's CSS. |
Integrate web component librariesAvailable (Shoelace) |
Enhance your project with components from popular web components from libraries like Shoelace, Material Web or FAST. |
Support more frameworks |
JitBlox was designed to also target other frameworks/libraries than Angular. Vue.js or React is likely to be the first. |
Custom Javascript/TypeScript code |
Add custom Javascript or TypeScript code, allowing for more custom logic for data binding, event handlers and other functions. |
OpenAPI or JSON import |
Quickly create a data model by importing existing OpenAPI specifications or JSON schemas. |
Integration with custom or 3rd party APIs |
Integration with your own backend or third-party REST APIs instead of just API stubs. |
Media uploads |
Get rid of placeholder images and external images by uploading your own images to JitBlox. |
Looking for something that is not on this list? |
Tell us what you think and help us improve JitBlox by submitting a feature request or by providing feedback on other ideas. |